How To Buy A Double-Arm Mixer For Your Cement Business


Concrete and cement work is a big business that isn't going away any time soon. If you are interested in starting a small and personal concrete business, it is wise to invest in a double-arm mixer. While a single-arm may be cheaper, the many benefits of the double-arm design makes them a great investment. Here's a simple guide to finding the right one for your needs.

The Benefits Of A Double-Arm Mixer

A double-arm mixer is an upgrade from a traditional concrete mixer because it uses two strong movement arms to churn up your cement. This process keeps your concrete and cement wet while you are pouring it. However, it can also keep it from drying out while you are on a job site and allows you to move from one area to the next with ease.

Personal cement companies like yours often benefit from these types of mixers because they create a consistent and very usable type of cement. Other smaller businesses like yours may produce thicker or denser clay that is harder to pour and uneven when finished. With a double-arm mixer, you can avoid that issue and produce great work.

Types Of Double-Arm Blenders You Can Consider

When buying one of these items for your cement company, there are many types to consider. For example, blenders that use a rota-cone technique provide a low shear that keeps your liquid concrete in a more stable state. They are a good choice for cement workers who plan on lengthy jobs.

However, there are also double arm extruders that are designed for more durable and tough material. These mixers are appropriate for those who plan on working with a large amount of sharp mixing material. They are also better for short-term cement patching jobs that won't take long to finish.

Important Considerations When Buying

When buying whatever unit sounds best for you, there are several considerations to make. For example, double-arm mixers for cement vary in their volume. You can get large mixers that are a permanent addition to your cement facility that will mix at 1,000-5,000 gallons. However, you can also get portable ones that can mix 100 gallons for smaller cement jobs.

It is also critical to consider the blade type that you want to consider. One common type for cement is the Masticator. This type of blade is designed for harder items and can help keep your cement flowing smoothly. It is also a great idea to consider other types of blades, including stronger types that can mix clay and limestone into your cement.

By carefully choosing the right double-arm mixer for your personal cement business, you can become a successful artisan. Just make sure that you talk to a professional about the type of mixer that is right for you to find one that suits your unique needs.


24 April 2018

Creating A Safer Work Environment

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