Why Frequent Oil Changes Are Important For Your Air Compressor


Even though you might typically think of your personal car when you think about oil changes, other types of machinery need oil changes as well. For example, if you have an air compressor, you should be changing the oil on a regular basis. These are some of the reasons why these frequent oil changes are so important.

Prevent it from Overheating

First of all, you should know that if you don't change the oil in your air compressor on a regular basis, there is a good chance that your air compressor could overheat. Your air compressor relies on the oil to move through the system properly to keep the entire system cool. If the oil is not changed regularly, then it can become clogged, which can prevent it from keeping the system cool as it is supposed to. This can cause parts to burn out and can even cause your entire air compressor to break down.

Prevent Leaks

Did you know that failing to change the oil on your air compressor can actually cause various types of leaks? For one thing, without proper lubrication, the seal that prevents air leaks might not work properly. Also, if the oil filter or oil system fails or becomes clogged, you may have to worry about oil leaks as well. Changing the oil can prevent these leaks and can allow you to look for other problems that might cause leaks as well.

Keep Your Air Compressor Warranty Valid

If you have a newer-model air compressor, then you may be able to use the manufacturer's warranty to help if you experience mechanical issues at some point later on. If you don't change the oil and if this causes a repair issue, however, the manufacturer might deny the claim, leaving you to pay for the air compressor repairs. Your entire air compressor warranty might even be voided if you don't keep up with regular oil changes and maintenance, too, which can cost you money later on.

As you can see, if you aren't currently focusing on performing regular oil changes on your air compressor, it might be time for you to make some changes. Luckily, once you learn how to do it, this is something that you can do yourself. If you simply stock up on some oil, a few air compressor filters that are the right size for your air compressor model and a few simple tools, you should have what you need to perform these regular oil changes.

For more information on oil filters for air compressors, contact your local equipment supplier. 


26 February 2018

Creating A Safer Work Environment

I have always been someone who loves to know more about the way the world works, which is part of the reason I started reading about industrial and manufacturing processes. I have always found it fascinating that professionals can create things by hand, and so I started attending factory tours, asking questions, and doing as much research as possible. It was really interesting to see how much of a difference my efforts made, and before I knew it, I was able to completely change the way I thought about manufacturing. This blog is here to help other people to appreciate the majesty of industry. Check it out!