When Do You Need Hydraulic Cylinder Repair Seals?


If you use any type of hydraulic machinery, that machinery has hydraulic cylinder seals inside. These seals help to hold the hydraulic fluid in place as it moves about the machine, ensuring there are no leaks. However, over time, the seals wear out and become ineffective. When this occurs, it is important to replace the seals. This can be done with hydraulic cylinder repair seals. If you are not all that familiar with hydraulic machinery, you may be unsure of when this needs to be done. Here are a few of the times when you need to replace the seals on your hydraulic machinery. 

Hydraulic Fluid is Leaking

The number one reason why hydraulic cylinder repair seals are needed is because hydraulic fluid is leaking. Hydraulic fluid may leak from the seals for a number of reasons. There may be a crack or the seal may be warped due to use. Either way, the fluid is leaking out. If your hydraulic fluid level gets low, damage can be done to the machinery. Think of it like your engine. If the coolant is leaking out, your engine can overheat. The same thing can happen with machinery when it runs low on hydraulic fluid. As such, it is important to replace the seal if the fluid is leaking out. 

There Are Dents or Cracks in the Seal

Another reason cylinder seals may need to replace replaced is because there are dents or cracks in the seals. You may not be able to see every seal in the machinery. However, you can typically see a few. If they are beat up or in bad condition, you will want to replace them before they begin to leak. 

The Hydraulic Fluid is Being Repacked

Lastly, when hydraulic fluid is being repacked, the seals should all be replaced. Repacking the fluid basically means that the existing fluid is drained from the machine and new fluid is added. Think of this like an oil change for your car. The oil is removed to get rid of old oil that can get gunky, and your filters are replaced at the same time. The seals are replaced at the same time as the filter to ensure they are clean and do not add gunk and debris to the clean fluid. 

If the seals on your hydraulic machinery are dented or cracked, if hydraulic fluid is leaking or if the machine is being repacked, it is time to replace them. Typically, the seals are easily accessible and it is a task you can complete on your own. Always consult the owner's manual for the piece of machinery you are looking to change the seal on to ensure you are doing it properly. If you do not feel comfortable completing this task, a hydraulic machinery repair company can assist you. 


16 August 2017

Creating A Safer Work Environment

I have always been someone who loves to know more about the way the world works, which is part of the reason I started reading about industrial and manufacturing processes. I have always found it fascinating that professionals can create things by hand, and so I started attending factory tours, asking questions, and doing as much research as possible. It was really interesting to see how much of a difference my efforts made, and before I knew it, I was able to completely change the way I thought about manufacturing. This blog is here to help other people to appreciate the majesty of industry. Check it out!